
i am done with my restating but am a bit confuse about my finance income in Income statement if anyone could help me it will be greatly appreciated. as well as if you could go through my statement and see whether i have placed the operating and financial activities correctly will be of great help too.

8 thoughts on “Restatement

  1. Nice one Sabina. From what I can tell you’ve categorized your financial and operations perfectly well and it all adds up. Well done. I have a question, I see you’ve used NFO+Equity in line 88 to calculate the balance sheet. Where did you get this equation from? I haven’t seen this in the notes or videos.
    Well done


    1. Thank you for your kind comments i really appreciate it. I guess it was in the video and in the week 6 lecture slide 10 where Maria told us about the checklist whether our restatement is correct or not.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re right, my bad that was the equation in the video and the notes I misread my own sheet. NOA = NFO+Equity doesn’t work for me. I have an alternative that came from Dayanara. NOA+NFA = Equity, but I haven’t got a reference for it. Yours was good to look at and compare.


  2. Good morning Sabina,

    Hope you are doing well. I have provided some feedbacks in regards to your reinstated financial statements. Hope you find my comments constructive and may help improve your assessment in some way. I have provided the link below, where you can access this feedback through my blog.

    Note: I would also appreciate it, if you could leave me some feedbacks for me as well.

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards,

    Aldrex Mae


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